Thursday, September 2, 2010

inspired by

From Leah Dieterich's blog: "There’s always something to be thankful for. From the important things like Songs You’re Embarrassed to Like, and Heavy Eyelids that Tell You When You Need to Sleep, to friends and family, love and loneliness, light and darkness, Leah Dieterich sets out to acknowledge them all. thxthxthx is her daily exercise in gratitude."

I have enjoyed Leah's daily Thank you notes and it has influenced me to look (again) at the little random things in life that I am grateful for. I say again, because it is nothing new to me, but easy to forget in the commotion of everyday life. Back in 1994, I created an aromatherapeutic bath oil for friends and called it Die Schönheit des Daseins, which translates to The Beauty of Being. And one morning at breakfast with friends - it occurred to us, how meaningful those little words are, it is almost like a philosophy, isn't it?

Life can be difficult and exhausting and frustrating, but if we stop for a moment to think, to look and to listen, life is also amazing and wonderful and funny. So come and share with me my gratitude for the beauty of being on my sort-of-gratitude blog called: The Beauty of Being. Well, yes of course, what did you think I would call it?

1 comment:

jtw73 said...

Could you at least write one post per month? I enjoy to read your thoughts :)