Thursday, March 18, 2010

day 16 of brain mush

So somehow I caught something a few weeks ago and I got sick with the flu or at least something that has all those symptoms. Unlike John though, who bounced back quickly, mine had to turn into a double ear infection, sinusitis and bronchitis. So here I am, 16 days later and still feeling like my brain was sucked away by aliens and substituted with mush of mystery meat, peas and carrots. Why did I pick something this awful? Because I was fed this mush daily when I was in the hospital for four month in 1972. And this was the mildest on the list of offenses this hospital stood for. Yuck.

So I would like to write something meaningful, but with a head that feels like it is teetering on the verge of explosion, meaningful and thought-out are not easily achieved. It does not help that I thought it would be very beneficial for me to run around in the sun on a tennis court, 'get your lymph system going' as John called it. That thought was apparently not a good one either.... cough, cough and off to bed now with a good book. Gave up on Sense & Sensibility & Seamonsters and will be reading the Rockhound Place recommended Shiver instead.


jtw73 said...

Fuer mich war es sehr meaningful... hab ich doch mein Englisch wieder trainieren koennen :)

Wish you a great day!

Christina said...

My mind is mushy, too. Will this cold never go away? I hope we are both better by Monday in time to sing!

You won't regret Shiver! It's one of the best books I've read in 2010 so far. And I'd rate it pretty high over most of the books I read in 2009, too.